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Waste of money, ridiculous, absurd !!

I was at the meeting Tuesday and I feel that this has all been decided already to go ahead. I feel just because you hired an outside consultant to draw this up (anyone could have thought of this, you didn't have to pay someone), doesn't mean you have to go with that person's recommendations. Did you at City Hall look at the plan on a flat screen/piece of paper or walk the walk? We are on a hill and we will be blocked from getting out on Keith when it snows because Kennard is way too slippery and dangerous. Some of us work at night and I'm sure Kennard will not be plowed every hour to keep it clear...also there is no bus service when I leave at 11:00 PM to go to Port Coquitlam. The snow is only one problem. The City Hall members who spoke kept talking about all the traffic on Keith and this will does it help? Just because we have to drive all over the place to get out onto Keith....we are still getting onto Keith, so how does blocking our streets/lanes help traffic on Keith is beyond me. There isn't even a problem any more and a couple of days a month (bridge incidents) for a hour each time is nothing...but we are blocked 24 hours a day every day!!! I agree with the suggestion and have said all along.....go back to the way it was before all this calming started. QUESTION; just supposing you put the blockades on Hendry so there is no left turn onto Cloverley and Shavington....where will the traffic come from on Cloverley and Shavington? It isn't safe having cars, large trucks (delivery trucks) garbage/recycling trucks making U-turns or backing up all the way down the long block. My rant could go on and on. I hope you take into consideration the amount of traffic parking at the old Cloverley School for the film industry because that is not our normal traffic. No Barricades PLEASE!

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