Help Shape Our Mobility Strategy

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Update - April 2022: Council approved the Mobility Strategy on April 11, 2022, setting the City’s vision for planning and making decisions about our streets and how we get around for the next decade (to 2035).

Learn more about the actions that the City will be taking to make streets safer, more comfortable, prosperous and vibrant, with easier access to sustainable mobility choices:

Shape our City’s Mobility Strategy!

The City of North Vancouver is developing a Mobility Strategy with a vision of creating healthy streets that work for everyone. Our new strategy will be the playbook for planning and making decisions about our streets and how we get around for the next decade.

We Want to Hear From You

We’re currently engaging community members on the Draft Mobility Strategy as we work towards a final version for City Council consideration later this spring.

In-person pop-up sessions are on hold due to COVID-19 impacts. Updates will be posted on this site.

We've extended the deadline for input to allow for more input from stakeholders and residents. Deadline for feedback is February 11, 2022 at 4:00 pm.

What We’ve Heard

Through Phase 1 engagement in the spring of 2021, we heard several main themes about challenges and opportunities for our streets:

  • Increased traffic is making us feel frustrated and less safe which is impacting livability for our residents and businesses.
  • We want to use our vehicles less often, but other forms of transit are perceived to not be as convenient, efficient, or comfortable.
  • Mobility options need to be more affordable and accessible, and the transportation system can still become more equitable.
  • The prosperity of our neighbourhoods and businesses depend on our streets, which need to accommodate a range of new uses, while ensuring efficient movement of people and goods.

What’s in the Draft Mobility Strategy?


Our vision is to create healthy streets that work for everyone. This vision sits atop the strategy framework as an aspirational guide to the plan, supported by goals and strategies to create a safe, vibrant, low-carbon city that provides plenty of options for people to get around.


This vision will be achieved through four goals that were supported by our community and stakeholders during the first phase of engagement in the spring of 2021.

  • Our streets will help our city prosper and be a vibrant place.
  • Our streets will support real and accessible choices for how we move around.
  • Our streets will be safe and comfortable.
  • Our streets will reduce our impact on climate change and the environment.

Strategies and Actions

To accomplish the vision and goals in the Draft Mobility Strategy, we propose eleven strategies that are supported with actions and sub-actions. These can be read in detail in the Draft Mobility Strategy, but below are some highlights.

View the Summary document to learn more.

Read the full draft Mobility Strategy for full details.

Update - April 2022: Council approved the Mobility Strategy on April 11, 2022, setting the City’s vision for planning and making decisions about our streets and how we get around for the next decade (to 2035).

Learn more about the actions that the City will be taking to make streets safer, more comfortable, prosperous and vibrant, with easier access to sustainable mobility choices:

Shape our City’s Mobility Strategy!

The City of North Vancouver is developing a Mobility Strategy with a vision of creating healthy streets that work for everyone. Our new strategy will be the playbook for planning and making decisions about our streets and how we get around for the next decade.

We Want to Hear From You

We’re currently engaging community members on the Draft Mobility Strategy as we work towards a final version for City Council consideration later this spring.

In-person pop-up sessions are on hold due to COVID-19 impacts. Updates will be posted on this site.

We've extended the deadline for input to allow for more input from stakeholders and residents. Deadline for feedback is February 11, 2022 at 4:00 pm.

What We’ve Heard

Through Phase 1 engagement in the spring of 2021, we heard several main themes about challenges and opportunities for our streets:

  • Increased traffic is making us feel frustrated and less safe which is impacting livability for our residents and businesses.
  • We want to use our vehicles less often, but other forms of transit are perceived to not be as convenient, efficient, or comfortable.
  • Mobility options need to be more affordable and accessible, and the transportation system can still become more equitable.
  • The prosperity of our neighbourhoods and businesses depend on our streets, which need to accommodate a range of new uses, while ensuring efficient movement of people and goods.

What’s in the Draft Mobility Strategy?


Our vision is to create healthy streets that work for everyone. This vision sits atop the strategy framework as an aspirational guide to the plan, supported by goals and strategies to create a safe, vibrant, low-carbon city that provides plenty of options for people to get around.


This vision will be achieved through four goals that were supported by our community and stakeholders during the first phase of engagement in the spring of 2021.

  • Our streets will help our city prosper and be a vibrant place.
  • Our streets will support real and accessible choices for how we move around.
  • Our streets will be safe and comfortable.
  • Our streets will reduce our impact on climate change and the environment.

Strategies and Actions

To accomplish the vision and goals in the Draft Mobility Strategy, we propose eleven strategies that are supported with actions and sub-actions. These can be read in detail in the Draft Mobility Strategy, but below are some highlights.

View the Summary document to learn more.

Read the full draft Mobility Strategy for full details.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The City of North Vancouver has developed a draft Mobility Strategy, with input from an earlier engagement process in March 2021, which will become our playbook for planning and making decisions about our streets and how we get around for the next decade. 

    We want to hear from you to help refine the final Mobility Strategy. This second round of engagement focuses on the actions we include in the Draft Mobility Strategy, and your feedback will help us refine these proposed actions. 

    If any of the terms used throughout the survey are unfamiliar, please refer to the glossary of commonly used terms in the Draft Mobility Strategy (page 70). You may want to keep it open in a separate window to easily refer to it.

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Page last updated: 23 Jan 2024, 10:52 AM