Forum Etiquette & Moderation

About Moderation

The website is moderated by a professional global moderation team from Bang the Table Pty Ltd in collaboration with Bang The Table.

Moderation of this website is designed to ensure discussions are respectful and constructive and to safeguard participants, site administrators, and third-parties from malicious, inflammatory, and illegal comments and materials.

All public-facing contributions and usernames submitted to this website are moderated in accordance with the moderation rules set out below.

Contributions and usernames that do not adhere to the moderation rules will be removed and you will be notified of this by email.

Repeated, flagrant disregard for the moderation rules may result in the imposition of Sanctions also listed below.

Moderation Rules

This site is subject to the following moderation rules:

  1. Never post personal information about another participant. This includes identifying any individual by their real name or providing personal contact information such as an address, email or phone number.
  2. Don't defame anyone or any organization. A comment is defamatory if it lowers or harms the reputation of a person or organization. If you wish to insult anyone, this is not the place to do it. If you wish to accuse anyone of wrongdoing or incompetence, this is not the place to do it.
  3. Don't post anything that could be considered intolerant of a person's race, culture, appearance, gender, sexual preference, religion or age.
  4. Don't be obscene and don't use foul language. Lots of people from different backgrounds participate on this website. We want them to be able to continue to do so from home, work, school, university or wherever they may be. Disguising swear words by deliberately misspelling them doesn't make them any less offensive.
  5. Don't personally insult or harass other participants. Always focus on the logic of the argument rather than the individuals involved in the argument. Participants are entitled to choose not to enter into debate with you.
  6. Don't post or link to any inappropriate, offensive or illegal material. Don't post any advertisements.
  7. Don’t promote self-harm, suicide, violence or criminal activity of any kind.
  8. The use of emoji’s or images to convey inappropriate meaning consistent with the rules outlined above will also be moderated.
  9. Please don't raise concerns about the moderation on the site as it disrupts the flow of any discussion. Please direct any queries regarding moderation directly to moderation team at


Breaches of the moderation rules will be dealt with as follows:

  1. Removal of comment - any comment that, in the view of the moderator, breaches the rules will be removed.
  2. Temporary Suspension - a participant who repeatedly and flagrantly disregards the moderation rules may be suspended from access to the website for a period of up to one week. The period will reflect both the severity and consistency of the breach.
  3. Permanent Blocking - a participant who continues to violate the moderation rules following reinstatement after a period of suspension may have their access to the website permanently blocked.
  4. Automatic Blocking - a participant who posts or links to inappropriate, offensive or illegal material will be immediately blocked from the site.


The following are community principles and suggestions to help keep the website respectful and constructive.

  1. It's a good idea to read through the information on the site and the other participants’ comments before getting involved in the discussion yourself.
  2. Always respect the views of other participants even if you’re not in agreement.
  3. Be constructive. It's okay to disagree with other forum participants, in fact we encourage debate, just keep the dialogue constructive
  4. Always keep things civil. We recognize that this can be difficult sometimes, especially when you are passionate about an issue, but it is important to keep the discussion focused on the issues rather than letting it deteriorate into personal insults.
  5. Once you've left your comment, keep an eye on the project to see what other people have to say.
  6. If you feel that someone has insulted you, report their comment to the moderator by clicking the “Alert Moderator” link. Don't perpetuate the dispute. The moderator will take a look at the offending comment and decide whether it should be removed.
  7. Stay on topic. The projects on this website have been created for a specific purpose. Please stay within the boundaries of the subject matter.
  8. Turn off CAPS LOCK on your keyboard. Writing in ALL CAPS is the equivalent of SHOUTING and can cause offence.
  9. Choose one place to post each of your unique comments. Don't cut and paste the same comment into lots of different places on the website. These will be considered duplicates and may be removed.
  10. Don't be a "troll". Trolls intentionally incite annoyance or offense. They do not participate constructively in the discussion and do not add any value to the debate.
  11. Don't bully, harass or threaten other participants. If another participant offers an opinion that you don't agree with, you have no right to demand that they support their position with a detailed argument. They do not have to respond to your questions. It is up to each individual to participate as much or as little as they wish.
  12. Please respect the moderators. Their job is to keep the forum safe and constructive so that everybody gets to have their fair say. It is not always an easy job.