2023-2024 Summary
Update January 18, 2024: A report on a recommended design from Keith Road to 9th Street is scheduled to be presented to Council at the January 22, 2024 Council meeting. Interested parties may join the meeting in-person at City Hall or by live-streaming. Prior to the meeting, the Council meeting agenda and report to Council be will available online. Those wishing to speak at the Council meeting are welcome to attend in-person, via Webex or phone. Details on the public input process can be found on the Public Input Period webpage. For more information on the Public Input Period process, contact the City Clerk’s Office by email at clerks@cnv.org or by phone at 604 990 4230. Visit the project webpage for details.
Update January 11, 2024: A virtual Council Workshop is being held on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 from 4:30pm - 6pm to discuss the St Andrews Safety Improvements Project from Keith Road to 9th Street. Visit the project webpage for details.
Update December 19, 2023: The project team is tentatively scheduled to report back to Council at the Council meeting on January 22, 2024. Staff will bring forward the options considered and the methodology used to establish a recommended design from Keith Road to 9th Street. Interested parties may join the meeting in-person at City Hall or watch from home by live-streaming. Prior to the meeting, the Council meeting agenda and report to Council be will available online. Visit the project webpage for details.
Update October 18, 2023: Construction between 9th Street and 13th Street is anticipated to begin October 25th and is highly dependent on weather conditions and contractor availability. Working with the City’s contractor, we will do our best to deliver all of the planned work as soon as possible, but some elements may be deferred until spring. If there are delays, we will be placed on a standby list and may not be able to provide written notice of new dates. Updates will be provided on the project webpage and signage noting temporary parking restrictions will be installed prior to any construction work. Visit the project webpage for details.
Between March 27 and April 20, 2023, we reconnected with residents to gather input about how people are experiencing St Andrews following safety improvements made in 2022. The engagement process was designed to gather information by mode of transportation to better understand the unique experiences of residents who live on, live near, or travel along St Andrews.
The engagement process included an online survey completed by 424 people, three small group workshops with 51 participants, and meetings attended by 15 people. Community feedback has helped to inform further changes to the street that continue to prioritize safety while enhancing the comfort of all road users. Learn more in the Phase 3 Engagement Summary.
At the July 24, 2023 Council Meeting, staff presented recommended updates to the corridor design that included retaining the uphill bike lane on St Andrews. These changes, known as Option #1 - Improved Separated Design, are aligned with Council-approved policy, road design best practices, future transportation network requirements and road usage data. Equally important, they are designed to balance the needs of many various users. Learn more in the Next Steps project report.
The outcome is a design that addresses the community’s main concerns through the following six key changes:
- Clarify the intersection of St Andrews and Keith Road
- Increase sightlines at intersections and laneways
- Enhance the pedestrian waiting area at crossings
- Reduce driver speeds
- Increase the roadway width
- Add delineators
Council directed the project team to implement the recommended design adjustments for the section of road between 9th Street and 13th Street, and explore further design opportunities for the most complex section of the corridor between Keith Road and 9th Street. Recommendations for this section will be brought to Council in fall 2023.
View the Design - 9th Street to 13th Street
The corridor design is available below. We’ve also summarized what we heard from you and how your feedback has been reflected in the six key changes.
1. Clarify the intersection of St Andrews and Keith Road
What we heard
- Transitioning onto St Andrews from Keith Road is difficult for drivers
How we are responding
- Council has directed staff to explore further design opportunities in recognition of the complexities in this area. Recommendations for this section will be brought to Council in fall 2023
2. Increase sightlines at intersections and laneways to improve visibility
What we heard
- Intersections and laneways are a concern for all users due to limited visibility
How we are responding
- Increasing parking setbacks to improve visibility at laneways and intersections
3. Enhance the pedestrian waiting area at crossings
What we heard
- Crossing the street is uncomfortable for pedestrians due to limited visibility
How we are responding
- In addition to increasing sightlines, pedestrian waiting areas are being established on the east side of the street at all crossings to further improve the visibility of pedestrians
4. Reduce driver speeds
What we heard
- Speeding remains a safety concern for all road users, especially pedestrians and cyclists
How we are responding
- Installing speed humps on each block to reduce driver speeds
- Installing a marked and raised crossing at 11th Street and St Andrews to reduce driver speeds and improve access to St Andrews Park
- Extending the curb to create a curb bulge at 11th Street to reduce driver turning speeds
5. Increase the roadway width
What we heard
- Cyclists and drivers feel uncomfortable sharing the road in the southbound direction
How we are responding
- Widening the shared travel lane to increase cyclist comfort and provide more space for people getting in and out of vehicles
- Adding shared lane markings to position southbound cyclists outside of the vehicle door zone
6. Adding delineators
What we heard
- Parking next to the mobility lane is difficult for drivers
How we are responding
- Adding delineators and ‘T’ markings to define parking areas next to the mobility lane
Construction Timeline
Construction between 9th and 13th Streets is expected to begin in fall 2023. We anticipate temporary parking restrictions and partial street closures during construction. Advance notice will be provided to area residents prior to any work beginning and construction updates will be available at cnv.org/StAndrews.
Consultation has concluded