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Penalizing residents in favour of people passing through is no solution to a problem that no longer exists

I attended the meeting in regard to the proposed "Pilot Project" and am appalled at the city's plan to penalize the residents of this neighbourhood.

We have endured years of construction and traffic congestion and for the most part have not complained but thanks to (given the attendance and opinion of the audience last evening) is a small number of vocal residents.

I asked the gentleman representing the city how many actual HOUSEHOLDS of the 450 in this area complained but that information was not available. The number of complaining households should have been the basis for your decision to inconvenience an entire neighbourhood rather than the number of calls you received.

I also want to know exactly how you will collect data that will cause you to cancel the "Pilot Project" after the 6 month trial. If there is no traffic in the restricted areas what data could there possibly be?

I fear that these changes will greatly affect the salability of our home. Who wants to buy a house that neither they nor their guests can get to with any degree of ease?

Keith road is an urban street not a highway. The gentleman from the consulting firm stated that the goal is to have the traffic on Keith as unimpeded as possible so motorists passing through can do so as easily as possible. Really? I pay city taxes and suffer the inconvenience of the "Pilot Project" so that people who live in the district or burnaby or elsewhere and contribut nothing to the city can get home quickly? REALLY?!!!!

I would welcome anyone from the city planning department to come and try and exit our alleyway when there is a works truck with it's bucket up or a delivery truck dropping something off, when the exit onto Keith is blocked. When that is the case we will be trapped in our homes until they are done. How would you feel if that was the case in your home?

How will you address winter conditions? Our alleyway - again the only access to our garage - is nearly impassable when it snows as are the local streets. Dangerously slippery slopes will be our only options for getting home.

Noth Van likes to tout the notion of a green city. How does adding all of the exhaust over the course of a year for residents having to travel all of the extra distance every time they leave their homes?

I agree with others at the meeting that Keith road needs a traffic light at Hendry at the very least and preferably at Shavington as well. Some police presence on Keith on a regular basis ticketing both vehicular and bicycle speeders would be welcome. It is often treated as a racecourse.

Finally, the data the is being used for the "Pilot Project" is out of date. New data should be collected after the Lynn Valley interchange, the building boom on Third St, the start of the B-Line bus and the changes to the on ramps at Dollarton/Main St are complete. The crush of traffic on our side streets and laneways that existed before and during the interchange construction no longer exists. I understand that some of the residents on 6th are frustrated at the number of people using "their" street but many of us use it now that never did before thanks to the current restrictions. Don't punish 450 households for the inconvenience of a few. We live in a growing city. Traffic is a fact of life.

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