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Consultation has concluded
PROJECT UPDATE: Thank you for your input on the traffic & safety improvements in the Cloverley neighbourhood. We are in the process of analyzing all of the data collected over the last year as well as the survey results. A summary of all the information will be posted here shortly.
Back in December of 2019 we introduced traffic calming measures to better understand the potential traffic pattern impacts.
These included:
Installing centreline delineators on Hendry Avenue between East 6th Street and East 4th Street
Making the laneway north of 4th Street one-way
Maintaining existing right turn restrictions between 3-6pm Mon-Fri from laneways onto Keith Road
Physically restricting right turns onto Keith Road from Heywood Street
Your comments, combined with feedback, traffic data and best practices in traffic management planning will inform our next steps for this project.
Traffic Calming Plan
Since 2016 City staff have been working with this community to improve safety and address shortcutting in Cloverley. Traffic calming measures put in place have not succeeded in reducing shortcutting on local roads, as drivers have shifted onto other roads in the area.
In spring 2019 Council directed staff to hire a consultant to review of measures to date. The final review recommended restricting access to the Cloverley area from Keith Road as the only option to completely address this problem. City staff held a community meeting and received feedback from neihgbours that the proposed pilot project was more restrictive than the current situation requires. As a result staff have modified the project to balance the benefits and impacts throughout the neighbourhood while retaining the intent of the consultant’s report.
PROJECT UPDATE: Thank you for your input on the traffic & safety improvements in the Cloverley neighbourhood. We are in the process of analyzing all of the data collected over the last year as well as the survey results. A summary of all the information will be posted here shortly.
Back in December of 2019 we introduced traffic calming measures to better understand the potential traffic pattern impacts.
These included:
Installing centreline delineators on Hendry Avenue between East 6th Street and East 4th Street
Making the laneway north of 4th Street one-way
Maintaining existing right turn restrictions between 3-6pm Mon-Fri from laneways onto Keith Road
Physically restricting right turns onto Keith Road from Heywood Street
Your comments, combined with feedback, traffic data and best practices in traffic management planning will inform our next steps for this project.
Traffic Calming Plan
Since 2016 City staff have been working with this community to improve safety and address shortcutting in Cloverley. Traffic calming measures put in place have not succeeded in reducing shortcutting on local roads, as drivers have shifted onto other roads in the area.
In spring 2019 Council directed staff to hire a consultant to review of measures to date. The final review recommended restricting access to the Cloverley area from Keith Road as the only option to completely address this problem. City staff held a community meeting and received feedback from neihgbours that the proposed pilot project was more restrictive than the current situation requires. As a result staff have modified the project to balance the benefits and impacts throughout the neighbourhood while retaining the intent of the consultant’s report.
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Well the first snowfall of the season has arrived! As anticipated the recent barriers prohibiting a left hand turn off Hendry onto my street (Shavington) demanded that I come down the steep hill of Kennard. This is dangerous option! Any of my neighbours I have spoken with absolutely HATE the change. As taxpaying residents, we asked that the pilot project be put on hold. Unfortunately, our voices were not listened to and now we feel trapped on our own street.
PLEASE STICK TO YOUR WORD OF THIS BEING A SHORT-TERM PILOT PROJECT!!!! It is the only assurance that gives me... Continue reading
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I would like my neighborhood to go back to the way it was two years ago before all the changes.
I will be afraid to drive home when it snows. I can't make a left turn from Keith onto Shavington Street anymore and that was the only safe way because of the extreme hills in the neighborhood.
Anyone visiting will have a really hard time trying to find a way in to the neighborhood and my house!
All the changes were not fair to all the homeowners. Some streets became more quiet and some way more busy.
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Please please reconsider this decision. It may look good on paper but not
in reality. 24/7!
You are basically imprisoning us in our own neighbourhood, 24/7! Think
about it and the reduced access we will have to our own homes! Again,
24/7!! What will happen when the weather turns bad in winter and Kennard
is our only access road to Cloverley? Have you looked at the grade on that little street?
It is equivalent to a toboggan hill! Residents on other streets will need to park on Cloverley Street in inclement (eg snow) weather - how will all the cars... Continue reading
Share This Pilot Project Is Terrible on FacebookShare This Pilot Project Is Terrible on TwitterShare This Pilot Project Is Terrible on LinkedinEmail This Pilot Project Is Terrible link
This project tries to solve a problem that no longer exists and harms the community it is trying to protect.
The congestion and ‘rat-running’ complaints this project has been attempting to resolve arose from traffic backlogs along the highway feeder routes. Simply put, if there were no backlogs, nearly no one would try to cut through the Cloverley neighbourhood.
These backlogs were a result of poor highway interchange configuration at the north end of the Ironworkers’ Memorial Bridge and inadequate east-west road capacity in the area. The provincial and federal governments have recognized these issues and are making tremendous investments... Continue reading
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I think the residents have made it very clear that we do not want restrictions on our streets.
When we have an accident on either bridges the whole North Shore comes to a crawl .Look at the Grande Blvd area, all there side streets are getting backed up.
You are always going to get people that do not want traffic in there neighbour hood.
We have a huge population of construction workers coming here ,which adds to the traffic . Cloverly school parking lot is always full with cars from construction and movie parking.
I urge you review the notes of the meeting to absorb the strong sentiment of those who spoke and how clearly residents want to delay or possible cancel the proposed pilot project. I do want not my tax paying dollars going towards the installation of potentially now unnecessary traffic calming measures which greatly inconvenience the daily lives of myself and my neighbours.
1.The solutions proposed create a far greater daily inconvenience than the occasional issue of shortcutting through the neighbourhood.
2.Anecdotally, the issue of shortcutting has decreased possibly due to the improvements at Mountain Hwy and Keith.
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I was at the meeting Tuesday and I feel that this has all been decided already to go ahead. I feel just because you hired an outside consultant to draw this up (anyone could have thought of this, you didn't have to pay someone), doesn't mean you have to go with that person's recommendations. Did you at City Hall look at the plan on a flat screen/piece of paper or walk the walk? We are on a hill and we will be blocked from getting out on Keith when it snows because Kennard is way too slippery and dangerous. Some... Continue reading
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When my children were at Brooksbank Park and Tilford for daycare I had to run the rat route to get to the daycare on time. Even though Heywood emptied into a right turn only lane, it was always blocked by people trying to get into the Keith Bridge traffic.
PLEASE ... figure out a way to let people get easily to Brooksbank easily without benefiting those who want to get to the bridge traffic. Brooksbank Park and Tilford families and businesses suffer presently.
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the plans set forth on the map above seems short-sighted. it totally disregards the people living in the area. the roads turning onto Keith rd should not be blocked off. I believe the best plan would be to put the roads back to the way they originally were. The traffic "improvements" have been mostly a failure. The city should listen to the people and redact these restrictions. I truly hope, but doubt, the city hears the people's request for this project to be cancelled.
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this idea is great. I pride myself on wasting taxpayers' money and not listen to the feedback they give you. The next thing they should do is put a wall in front of all the house doors so people won't be able to use them as well. or we should dig a big canal and have to use boats to get everywhere. if you think all this sounds silly or dumb, just look at the design. a clown must have designed it.