Curb Access & Parking Plan

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Update July 9, 2024: Thank you for your interest in the Curb Access & Parking Plan project. Your feedback is important and will be considered as the planning process continues. The survey period has closed and we’re reviewing all the input we received from interest holders and the community. Please visit this page for project updates and a summary of community feedback.

Help shape Curb Access & Parking in the City

The City of North Vancouver is developing a Curb Access & Parking Plan to improve the reliability of accessing our curb space, while addressing the changing demands of the curb that we’ve seen in recent years. This Plan will help residents, visitors, and businesses meet a wider range of needs on our curbs, today and into the future.

Changes to curb access

We're proposing five policy changes as part of the future Curb Access & Parking Plan. The proposed changes are based on tools the City has available today, considers global best parking management practices, aligns with City-wide and project objectives, and responds to the challenges we hear from community members. To learn more about these changes and why they are being proposed, review the:

How to Get Involved

You’re invited to help shape the Curb Access & Parking Plan in two rounds of public engagement. During this second round, we want to learn how the proposed changes will affect access to curb space and parking for residents, businesses, and visitors, and if there are specific areas in the city that should be prioritized for implementation.

Between June 17 – July 8, you can:

  • Complete the survey by Monday, July 8, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
    • Prefer a printed copy? Download, print and email the completed survey to or pick up a copy at City Hall and deposit it in our dropboxes outside (141 West 14th Street, North Vancouver BC V7M 1H9).
  • Drop a pin on the map and show us where you want to see the proposed policy changes implemented in the City.
  • Visit a pop-up event in the community to connect with staff and provide input:
    • Civic Plaza | Wednesday, June 19 | 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
    • 1st St E & Lonsdale Ave Parklet | Friday, June 28 | 3 p.m. – 6 p.m
    • Civic Plaza | Wednesday, July 3 | 12 p.m. – 2 p.m
    • 101 Carrie Cates Court - Near the Polygon Gallery | Friday, July 5 | 3 p.m. – 6 p.m
  • Subscribe for updates on this project to your inbox by submitting your email in the Stay Informed box on the top right sidebar.

How Your Input Will Be Used

Input will be considered alongside data collection and best practices to inform future policy directions. This is the second of two phases of engagement, and is at the “consult” level of engagement on the IAP2 Spectrum of Engagement. (Learn more about the IAP2 Spectrum of Engagement). We will report out on the findings from public engagement after we close the response period and have processed all feedback. The intention following this phase of engagement will be to return to Council later in 2024 with a plan and implementation strategy that incorporates feedback, along with additional technical analysis prior to the delivery of any phased curb space regulation changes.

Update July 9, 2024: Thank you for your interest in the Curb Access & Parking Plan project. Your feedback is important and will be considered as the planning process continues. The survey period has closed and we’re reviewing all the input we received from interest holders and the community. Please visit this page for project updates and a summary of community feedback.

Help shape Curb Access & Parking in the City

The City of North Vancouver is developing a Curb Access & Parking Plan to improve the reliability of accessing our curb space, while addressing the changing demands of the curb that we’ve seen in recent years. This Plan will help residents, visitors, and businesses meet a wider range of needs on our curbs, today and into the future.

Changes to curb access

We're proposing five policy changes as part of the future Curb Access & Parking Plan. The proposed changes are based on tools the City has available today, considers global best parking management practices, aligns with City-wide and project objectives, and responds to the challenges we hear from community members. To learn more about these changes and why they are being proposed, review the:

How to Get Involved

You’re invited to help shape the Curb Access & Parking Plan in two rounds of public engagement. During this second round, we want to learn how the proposed changes will affect access to curb space and parking for residents, businesses, and visitors, and if there are specific areas in the city that should be prioritized for implementation.

Between June 17 – July 8, you can:

  • Complete the survey by Monday, July 8, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
    • Prefer a printed copy? Download, print and email the completed survey to or pick up a copy at City Hall and deposit it in our dropboxes outside (141 West 14th Street, North Vancouver BC V7M 1H9).
  • Drop a pin on the map and show us where you want to see the proposed policy changes implemented in the City.
  • Visit a pop-up event in the community to connect with staff and provide input:
    • Civic Plaza | Wednesday, June 19 | 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
    • 1st St E & Lonsdale Ave Parklet | Friday, June 28 | 3 p.m. – 6 p.m
    • Civic Plaza | Wednesday, July 3 | 12 p.m. – 2 p.m
    • 101 Carrie Cates Court - Near the Polygon Gallery | Friday, July 5 | 3 p.m. – 6 p.m
  • Subscribe for updates on this project to your inbox by submitting your email in the Stay Informed box on the top right sidebar.

How Your Input Will Be Used

Input will be considered alongside data collection and best practices to inform future policy directions. This is the second of two phases of engagement, and is at the “consult” level of engagement on the IAP2 Spectrum of Engagement. (Learn more about the IAP2 Spectrum of Engagement). We will report out on the findings from public engagement after we close the response period and have processed all feedback. The intention following this phase of engagement will be to return to Council later in 2024 with a plan and implementation strategy that incorporates feedback, along with additional technical analysis prior to the delivery of any phased curb space regulation changes.

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Priority Areas Map

2 months

Put pins on the map showing where you would like us to proiritize implementing any of the five proposed changes to Curb Access and Parking in the City. Does your block need a short-term loading zone? Are you constantly circling the neighbourhood for a parking spot, and could benefit from more turnover with pay parking? Let us know!

To learn more about these changes, why they are being proposed, and the benefits they’ll provide, read the Curb Access & Parking Plan Summary.

Select the + sign and drag a pin onto the highlighted area to provide your comments and photos. Please do not include any photos of people. 

About your privacy

The City is collecting your personal information in accordance with section 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information will be used to assist the City to develop the Curb Access & Parking Plan. All information that identifies you will be kept confidential. Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to or 604-985-7761.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Page last updated: 09 Jul 2024, 08:53 AM