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Dogs are a huge part of the North Vancouver Community

I see alot of comments about people being ‘attacked’ by dogs…and I’d like to know what exactly they mean by ‘attacked’. Did a dog come up to you and bark? That’s not an attack. Did it touch you? Or did it simply scare you? Did you run away screaming provoking the dog to run after you? Or did you put your hand out for the dog to sniff it and realize you are both indeed harmless. I think anyone who wishes to see less off leash dog parks around needs to be trained on how to be around dogs (or simply don’t go to them) because in my experience these are the same people that cause the situations in the first place, make them worse, or cry wolf because a dog looked at them the wrong way. There needs to be places for people to take their dogs off leash to roam free as they should. Period.
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