16th and St Andrews Park

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Consultation has concluded

Update August 2024We are excited to be starting works on the new 16th & St Andrews Park. Construction will begin in late summer 2024 and is anticipated to be completed in spring 2025. For updates, visit www.cnv.org/16thPark.

Update October 26, 2021: Thank you for your interest in the new neighbourhood park at 16th and St Andrews. Our survey and stories forum are now closed. City Staff are working to review what we heard from this phase of engagement. Check back for a report on what we heard and the final park design this Winter.

Share your input on the proposed design for the 16th and St Andrews Park. Help us create a new neighbourhood park that is inclusive, sustainable, and supports active family fun.

We’ve developed a design for a new neighbourhood park at 16th Street East and St Andrews Avenue. Our goal is to create an inclusive, sustainable park that supports active family fun in East Central Lonsdale. The proposed design includes:

  • All ages play equipment
  • Pathways with lighting
  • A variety of seating options
  • Planted areas and trees
  • A weather protected area
  • An open grass slope

For more information about the background of this project, visit the 16th and St Andrews Park webpage.

View the Design 

[ Click image to view the full concept design and features ]

Get Involved

We’d like to learn what you value most in a neighbourhood park. Review the proposed park design and tell us your story! Share how you would use the future park and complete the online amenities survey (deadline is October 26, 4pm).

Your input will help us develop a park design that meets the needs of the neighbourhood and community.

Update August 2024We are excited to be starting works on the new 16th & St Andrews Park. Construction will begin in late summer 2024 and is anticipated to be completed in spring 2025. For updates, visit www.cnv.org/16thPark.

Update October 26, 2021: Thank you for your interest in the new neighbourhood park at 16th and St Andrews. Our survey and stories forum are now closed. City Staff are working to review what we heard from this phase of engagement. Check back for a report on what we heard and the final park design this Winter.

Share your input on the proposed design for the 16th and St Andrews Park. Help us create a new neighbourhood park that is inclusive, sustainable, and supports active family fun.

We’ve developed a design for a new neighbourhood park at 16th Street East and St Andrews Avenue. Our goal is to create an inclusive, sustainable park that supports active family fun in East Central Lonsdale. The proposed design includes:

  • All ages play equipment
  • Pathways with lighting
  • A variety of seating options
  • Planted areas and trees
  • A weather protected area
  • An open grass slope

For more information about the background of this project, visit the 16th and St Andrews Park webpage.

View the Design 

[ Click image to view the full concept design and features ]

Get Involved

We’d like to learn what you value most in a neighbourhood park. Review the proposed park design and tell us your story! Share how you would use the future park and complete the online amenities survey (deadline is October 26, 4pm).

Your input will help us develop a park design that meets the needs of the neighbourhood and community.

How would you use the new neighbourhood park at 16th and St Andrews?

Review the proposed park design and share your story. 


Thank you for sharing your story with us.
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded. Thank you.

  • Share Trees and green space on Facebook Share Trees and green space on Twitter Share Trees and green space on Linkedin Email Trees and green space link

    Trees and green space

    by seaotter, over 3 years ago

    I'd love seeing more trees and green space in Central Lonsdale. It looks like this new park with help achieve that. Almost all public space in Central Lonsdale is pavement and parked cars, despite all the new housing and the walkability of the area. Traffic noise is everywhere. We need trees along all streets, traffic calming and small playgrounds and neighbourhood meeting areas on every block, not many blocks away from where people live. The new park will be nice for the people living in the new buildings but it's a bit far for the residents closer to Lonsdale, especially... Continue reading

  • Share Playground and biking destination opportunity on Facebook Share Playground and biking destination opportunity on Twitter Share Playground and biking destination opportunity on Linkedin Email Playground and biking destination opportunity link

    Playground and biking destination opportunity

    by CinNVan, over 3 years ago

    This place would be a great spot to meet friends for coffee/take-away picnics. I would take my kids here as well and appreciate that the playground is being considered for multiple age ranges. I would love to safely ride my bike to the park with my children so am curious to know about bike parking and what safe and separated bike infrastructure would support my family in getting to the park by bike/scooter.

  • Share Daycare Children happy about the new Park on Facebook Share Daycare Children happy about the new Park on Twitter Share Daycare Children happy about the new Park on Linkedin Email Daycare Children happy about the new Park link

    Daycare Children happy about the new Park

    by parkplace, over 3 years ago
    We would love yo have an accessible park within walking distance. The 2 parks we use at this time are more than 5 blocks away.
  • Share Fun for all on Facebook Share Fun for all on Twitter Share Fun for all on Linkedin Email Fun for all link

    Fun for all

    by salPre, over 3 years ago

    This design fits a lot into a little space! I can envision kids running around, people sitting and chatting, fun exercises, etc. Hope the trees chosen will be lovely year 'round and not too messy.