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Out of date Cloverley Neighbourhood Traffic Data


I just attended the public information session on the Cloverley Neighbourhood traffic calming pilot project. There were many eloquent voices against the proposed pilot: it is overkill; it traps residents; Kennard is dangerous in the winter; the whole area is dangerous in the winter; why not just undo everything so the people on 6th don't have to suffer so much; it isn't that big a problem as things have improved; what about temporary physical barriers only between 3 and 6; what about barriers on Queensbury at the entrance to the area instead of at the exit; etc.

The pilot is defended on the premise that data shows that things have not improved. However, late in the meeting it was revealed that the data was taken months ago, before updates to Keith and Brooksbank. THE DATA IS OUT OF DATE.

Do NOT do something out of proportion and controversial at best, possibly a failure, that creates danger in the neighbourhood, let alone inconvenience, on data that is FALSE because IT IS OUT OF DATE.

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