Upper Levels Greenway

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Update January 2024

The project team continues to work with our provincial partners to analyse the Upper Levels Highway intersection at Lonsdale. This work must be completed before we can reconnect with the community to share the full concept design. Thank you for your patience as we work through this multi-modal safety and design process.

Update June 2023

Over the past 12 months, we have focused on completing a variety of assessments, studies and reviews to ensure we develop a concept design that responds to community feedback and explores a number of challenging design constraints. To date, we’ve completed:

  • Tempe Park Forest Inventory – Documenting tree health and identifying the least impactful path through the park.

  • FireSmart Planning – Developing a forest management plan to address fire safety issues in Tempe Park.

  • Highway Noise Assessment – Measuring current noise levels and investigating options in Tempe Park to help design a path that avoids increased noise levels for residents.

  • Structural Studies – Understanding the condition and repair needs of various structures between Tempe Park and Lynn Valley Road.

  • Drainage Review – Developing a detailed plan to improve drainage flows and capacity throughout the study area.

  • Neighbourhood Traffic Assessment – Examining how the greenway will affect traffic patterns and identifying ways to reduce speeding and neighbourhood shortcutting.

  • Highway Analysis – Working with our provincial partners to analyse the Lonsdale intersection and confirm a safe multi-modal design. This work continues and a design solution has not yet been confirmed.

What’s Next?
We plan to reconnect with the community in winter 2023/2024 to share a full concept design for the Upper Levels Greenway and gather community input and ideas. Thank you for your patience while we completed the necessary background work to advance the project and bring forward a design that reflects careful consideration.

Update July 2022

In May 2022, we launched the second phase of engagement for the Upper Levels Greenway and presented three route options based on the priorities you told us were important. We also presented a number of design approaches and gathered input about how well each of the different approaches support the community priorities of safety and experience.

Over 800 survey responses were received and over 100 people attended in-person events to share their input. Learn more in the Phase 2 Engagement Summary.

The feedback we received indicates that the Purple Route is likely emerging as the preferred option to advance to the next phase of concept design. The public engagement period also helped us identify several technical questions that require further exploration in order to confirm the preferred route. Learn more in the Existing Conditions Summary.

Over the next few months, we will explore key feasibility questions related to:

  1. Alignment options in Tempe Heights Park, including considerations around topography, accessibility, and forest and invasive species management
  2. The condition of the berm between Lynn Valley Road and Tempe Heights Park
  3. Intersection analysis and design options for safely crossing both Lonsdale and Westview Drive
  4. Neighbourhood level traffic calming opportunities to reduce speeding and shortcutting while maintaining local access

The results of these investigations will be used to confirm the preferred route and develop the concept design for the Upper Levels Greenway. The community will have an opportunity to review the concept and provide feedback in early 2023.

Update January 2024

The project team continues to work with our provincial partners to analyse the Upper Levels Highway intersection at Lonsdale. This work must be completed before we can reconnect with the community to share the full concept design. Thank you for your patience as we work through this multi-modal safety and design process.

Update June 2023

Over the past 12 months, we have focused on completing a variety of assessments, studies and reviews to ensure we develop a concept design that responds to community feedback and explores a number of challenging design constraints. To date, we’ve completed:

  • Tempe Park Forest Inventory – Documenting tree health and identifying the least impactful path through the park.

  • FireSmart Planning – Developing a forest management plan to address fire safety issues in Tempe Park.

  • Highway Noise Assessment – Measuring current noise levels and investigating options in Tempe Park to help design a path that avoids increased noise levels for residents.

  • Structural Studies – Understanding the condition and repair needs of various structures between Tempe Park and Lynn Valley Road.

  • Drainage Review – Developing a detailed plan to improve drainage flows and capacity throughout the study area.

  • Neighbourhood Traffic Assessment – Examining how the greenway will affect traffic patterns and identifying ways to reduce speeding and neighbourhood shortcutting.

  • Highway Analysis – Working with our provincial partners to analyse the Lonsdale intersection and confirm a safe multi-modal design. This work continues and a design solution has not yet been confirmed.

What’s Next?
We plan to reconnect with the community in winter 2023/2024 to share a full concept design for the Upper Levels Greenway and gather community input and ideas. Thank you for your patience while we completed the necessary background work to advance the project and bring forward a design that reflects careful consideration.

Update July 2022

In May 2022, we launched the second phase of engagement for the Upper Levels Greenway and presented three route options based on the priorities you told us were important. We also presented a number of design approaches and gathered input about how well each of the different approaches support the community priorities of safety and experience.

Over 800 survey responses were received and over 100 people attended in-person events to share their input. Learn more in the Phase 2 Engagement Summary.

The feedback we received indicates that the Purple Route is likely emerging as the preferred option to advance to the next phase of concept design. The public engagement period also helped us identify several technical questions that require further exploration in order to confirm the preferred route. Learn more in the Existing Conditions Summary.

Over the next few months, we will explore key feasibility questions related to:

  1. Alignment options in Tempe Heights Park, including considerations around topography, accessibility, and forest and invasive species management
  2. The condition of the berm between Lynn Valley Road and Tempe Heights Park
  3. Intersection analysis and design options for safely crossing both Lonsdale and Westview Drive
  4. Neighbourhood level traffic calming opportunities to reduce speeding and shortcutting while maintaining local access

The results of these investigations will be used to confirm the preferred route and develop the concept design for the Upper Levels Greenway. The community will have an opportunity to review the concept and provide feedback in early 2023.

  • Phase 2 Engagement

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    Update May 20, 2022: Thank you for your interest in the Upper Levels Greenway. The engagement period has now closed. We are reviewing all input received to help us determine a preferred route and develop a conceptual design.

    Earlier this year, we reached out to the community about our plans to develop a new greenway in the City, north of Highway 1. During the first phase of engagement, we asked about your experience in the Westview and Tempe neighbourhoods to help us understand what’s important to you, learn about any concerns you may have, and identify unique opportunities for this area. Learn more in the Phase 1 Engagement Summary.

    We heard from over 900 survey respondents, reflecting a diverse range of community members and groups. You told us that the most important priorities for a preferred greenway route are:

    Safety – it feels safe and minimizes risk from vehicle traffic for people of all ages and abilities.

    Experience – it provides a pleasant and comfortable experience for recreation and/or getting around.

    Connection – it connects to other greenways, routes and places I want to go.

    Features – it provides opportunities to emphasize and incorporate natural features and community amenities.

    We also heard concerns around impacts to parking, privacy, and potential for noise. These impacts have been taken into consideration along with any known technical constraints to help us develop route options for the Upper Levels Greenway.

    The Route Options

    Based on community feedback received during the first phase of engagement, we’ve developed three route options for the Upper Levels Greenway, shown below. Each option travels through four different zones that have unique characteristics to consider. This means the design of the greenway may look different depending on which zone it's travelling through. Learn more about the neighbourhood zones.

    How You Can Get Involved

    We’d like your input on how well each of the route options reflect the priorities and feedback received during the first phase of engagement. Your feedback will be used to help us select a final preferred route for the greenway.

    Once the final route has been established, there will be an opportunity to provide additional feedback on the design approach.

    Thank you for helping us create the Upper Levels Greenway!

  • Phase 1 Engagement

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    Update – February 25, 2022: Thank you for your interest in the Upper Levels Greenway project. The first phase of public engagement has now closed and we’re reviewing all the information we received. We’ll be sharing the results in April 2022 and providing another opportunity for feedback.

    Help Create a New Greenway in the City

    The City of North Vancouver is beginning to plan and design a new greenway in the Westview and Tempe neighbourhoods, located north of Highway 1. The Upper Levels Greenway is being developed as part of the City’s commitment to provide active transportation and recreation options that support and enhance the health and well-being of all community members.

    The Upper Levels Greenway will stretch from Lynn Valley Road to Westview Drive and will be approximately 3km long. Once complete, it will give people more choice in how they move around the City by enhancing access to parks, recreation spaces, community amenities and destinations.

    A preferred route or design has not yet been established and will be determined based on input from the community.

    The Upper Levels Greenway was originally endorsed in the City’s Parks and Greenways Strategic Plan in 2002. It has been prioritized in the current Council Strategic Plan and supports several key priorities including A Vibrant City, A Connected City and A City for People.

    We Want to Hear From You

    We’d like to hear about your experience in the Westview and Tempe neighbourhoods to help us better understand what matters to you, any concerns you may have and opportunities for this area. The input you share will help us develop options for a preferred route that considers the local neighbourhood context and provide a greenway that is safe, comfortable and accessible for all.

    Get Involved!

    Use our map to show us the places you visit most frequently or your favourite places to visit.

    Our online survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete and is open until February 25, 2022. Prefer a printed copy of the survey? Download it here and email to ulg@cnv.org.

    How Your Feedback is Used

    Responses to this survey will be used to help us determine a preferred route for the Upper Levels Greenway and will help inform early design considerations for the project. What we hear will be shared with the community in Spring 2022 for further feedback.

    Thank you for participating!

Page last updated: 25 Jan 2024, 01:33 PM