Eastview Park Improvements Project

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We're taking steps to make Eastview Park welcoming and enjoyable for everyone.

Eastview Park is located on the eastern boundary of the City between Rufus Drive and Mountain Highway. This 2.8 hectare neighbourhood park is accessed for its wooded walking trails, open spaces and disc golf course.


In early 2023, Council directed staff to evaluate options for Eastview Park that consider the long-term sustainability of the park, safety, reduction of conflict between park uses and the possibility of relocation of the existing disc golf course.

Between June and July 2023, we launched a public engagement process to help us understand: what is working well today in the park; what could be improved; and what would people like to see for the future of the park. This engagement included two community workshops, two park pop-ups and a survey. The results of the public engagement can be viewed in the What We Heard Report.

Between spring and fall 2023, staff also undertook research to explore the possible relocation of disc golf to another City park, a site analysis specific to Eastview and a comparative overview of other disc golf facilities in the region.

On March 4, 2024, we presented our recommendations to Council. During the meeting, Council directed staff to develop a plan for Eastview Park to make disc golf the primary recreational focus of the park, while mitigating the impacts on other users as much as possible. To view the March 4 Council meeting minutes, a video recording of the meeting and the staff report, visit cnv.org/CouncilMinutes.

Next Steps

We are now moving into the design development phase of this project. All future updates will continue to be shared on this page. To be directly notified about project updates, please subscribe in the ‘Stay Informed’ box in the right sidebar.

We're taking steps to make Eastview Park welcoming and enjoyable for everyone.

Eastview Park is located on the eastern boundary of the City between Rufus Drive and Mountain Highway. This 2.8 hectare neighbourhood park is accessed for its wooded walking trails, open spaces and disc golf course.


In early 2023, Council directed staff to evaluate options for Eastview Park that consider the long-term sustainability of the park, safety, reduction of conflict between park uses and the possibility of relocation of the existing disc golf course.

Between June and July 2023, we launched a public engagement process to help us understand: what is working well today in the park; what could be improved; and what would people like to see for the future of the park. This engagement included two community workshops, two park pop-ups and a survey. The results of the public engagement can be viewed in the What We Heard Report.

Between spring and fall 2023, staff also undertook research to explore the possible relocation of disc golf to another City park, a site analysis specific to Eastview and a comparative overview of other disc golf facilities in the region.

On March 4, 2024, we presented our recommendations to Council. During the meeting, Council directed staff to develop a plan for Eastview Park to make disc golf the primary recreational focus of the park, while mitigating the impacts on other users as much as possible. To view the March 4 Council meeting minutes, a video recording of the meeting and the staff report, visit cnv.org/CouncilMinutes.

Next Steps

We are now moving into the design development phase of this project. All future updates will continue to be shared on this page. To be directly notified about project updates, please subscribe in the ‘Stay Informed’ box in the right sidebar.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The City of North Vancouver wants to make sure Eastview Park is a welcoming and enjoyable space for everyone.

    We are listening and learning from everyone who accesses Eastview Park to better understand opportunities to improve the park. Your input will help City staff develop recommendations for park improvements. 

    This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.

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Page last updated: 04 Apr 2024, 03:55 PM